Event Type: Event

Webinar: Autovista Group’s 2025 residual value outlook

Will residual values stabilise in 2025? Or will Europe’s rocky used-car-market ride continue?

Residual values across Europe have continued to tumble. With new lows for 2024 recorded in October, the final two months of the year look daunting. 

Imbalanced supply and demand, coupled with environmental regulations, as well as trade tensions, have put increasing pressure on residual values. 

So how will residual values perform in 2025? Will there be stability or will Europe’s used-car market continue its downward spiral? 

Date: 30 January 2025


Join our expert panel in an engaging discussion around 2025’s residual value forecasts, featuring:

  • Ana Azofra, Regional Head of Valuations (SWE & PL) 
  • Dr Christof Engelskirchen, Chief Economist 
  • Tom Geggus, Autovista24 Editor 
  • Dr Anne Lange, Director of Research and Innovation 
  • Robert Madas, Regional Head of Valuations (DACH & SEE) 


The 3 big questions

With residual values taking centre stage in so many automotive discussions, here are three business-critical questions we aim to answer:  

1. How troubled are Europe’s used-car markets? 

2. Will electric vehicle residual values come under even more pressure? 

3. What do Autovista Group’s latest forecasts suggest for 2025?  

Who is this webinar for?

This webinar will be hugely insightful for stakeholders across the automotive industry, particularly those who: 

  • Want to know what will happen to used-car values in 2025 
  • Wish to understand the impact of tariffs, new CO2 target and other economic dynamics on remarketing 
  • Hold automotive asset risks and need answers to business-critical questions 
  • Provide professional services to the automotive industry 

    Don’t miss the opportunity to improve your business and market intelligence with this expert deep dive into 2025’s residual value forecast. 


Slik restarter vi Europas marked for batterielektriske kjøretøy

Fra å forstå hvordan insentiver, infrastruktur og reguleringer påvirker adopsjonsraten til markedsutsiktene for de kommende årene, samt innvirkningen kinesiske merkevarer har på det europeiske markedet – bli med i vårt panel av topp bileksperter for å diskutere fremtiden for elektriske kjøretøy i Europa.  


Tom Geggus Autovista24 Editor
Christof Engelskirchen Chief Economist at Autovista Group
Christoph Ruhland Director of Business Development at Autovista Group
Christian Schneider Director of Content for EV Volumes

Dette webinaret er for deg som ønsker svar på forretningskritiske spørsmål om:

  • Den nåværende og fremtidige tilstanden i Europas elbilmarked, inkludert forventede markedsandeler og prognoser  
  • Erfaringer fra Europas mest vellykkede BEV-markeder og hvordan de kan videreføres  
  • Hva skiller kinesiske merker fra andre, og hvordan vil de påvirke det europeiske markedet?  

Registrer deg nå for å sikre deg plass på webinaret 5. juni 2024: kl. 9:30 UK / 10:30 CET


Webinaret holdes på engelsk.